Secretory to MMS : Sir, Obama will be coming in September.
MMS : What? Have they caught him ?
Sec (frowns) : No, Sir. I said Obama not Osama.
MMS : Yes, I know US president. I met Mr. Osama in G3 summit. What I am asking is, Have they caught that obama?
Sec(completely blown out): Ummm, Sir. Obama is the president. Osama is the terrorist.
MMs : Really? Then I had dinner at white house with a terrorist. Damm those americans. They think they are so smart and the guys been hiding in
their president's crib. I must call em at once. (picks up the receiver) Hello, connect me to US!
Sec : Ahh. Sir. That is to the pilots cabin. We are on the plane, remember?
And sir, Obama is the president and you had dinner with him.
MMS (confused) : O hho. These goras must get a good accent. He called himself AUAAMA(tries the accent,pathetically)..So much for their fake accent.
anyways, I am hungry. Get me a happy meal.
Sec : Sir, we are on a germany...
MMS : Oh yes. But....what went wrong them, did we beat them in football..
Sec : Sir..We dont play football....
MMS : Is it so, even after that 'chak de india'...I loved amitabh's role..u know the way he teaches those dislexic players...and was all
so scientific n complicated...frankly,I didnt get the ending of that movie..
Sec (deep sighs) : yes sir, even I didnt...
MMS : So, wheres my happy meal?
Sec (wishes now that he had a shotgun) : Sir, you had it twenty minutes earlier.
MMS : Really, oh. I am sorry then, I must go for a walk then. (gets up)
Sec (for the love of god,somebody just tell me the name of the person who made him the PM) : Sir, we are on our way to berlin...We are on the
MMs : Ha Ha..ofcourse ofcourse...I was just testing you. You are good, good. See, thats why you are my bodyguard..And when will we reach
france...caz I cant wait to see the Big Ben first thing..and you know th......
(thats all folks,MMS returns sson)