Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Saleem and Ditoo were no more strangers now.As has not been the case since last two years, they spoke to each other for the very first time in last two years.Although, it was an altogether a completely different issue that they both had lived in the very same room since 28 months!!

Its been lonely for both of them, and more interesting(if you can say that) part was that none had seen the outside world since last 28 months.The reclusion had been long enough, more of an exile than intended.

And now, on Monday the 15th of some month,exactly 931 days later, they talked, as if for the very first time in their life.The silent agreement no more held on! Words filling the blank of 28 months, it was the classical moment - one deserved to be taped, but not going to be the case here.Rather, on the name of electronics(okay, its not actually electronics) was a 25 watt light bulb, for a 13.5 by 12.25 room.You can make out the visual structure of their milieu.

Reason hasbeen an absentee for this happening of event.Ofcourse, not everything has to be done for a reason ? And if ever there was any, it was not so much of imperative at this hour of need.

But they still had to realize that they both have been loners for last 28 months.Hermits in their hermitage.

In appearance they were both just the complete mirror image of each other - long shabby beard, dark hair a bit ruffled, none had taken a bath since 28 months.These 8 months has been a pause( || ) to their lives( > ).Nothing much had happened since then.At least nothing significant worth to be remembered.

Yes, there were bits and pieces.

A half-torn old novel,chicken momos, a wall-length mirror, newspaper covered window, that 25 watt light bulb, a dark room and a shut door.Rest was rather not so distinct.But apprehension still lived on.Whether this has been a result of serendipity or not was as yet not known.But, for the first time,they both now knew of each other and ....

Wednesday, October 14, 2009