This comes so naturally to me - the stupidity of giving an impression of myself that I myself do not and can not believe in.
And best part about is the fact that its unintentional.
Ah.unintentional.the philosophical counter-word for "automatic"..see I told you that relativity prevails. or did I not ? anyways, how does it matter?
And after all this happens to be an extemporaneous write up you see.That means this is first time I am directly typing on notepad rather than getting via paper-and-ink route.So, bear the imbecility.I do.After all, What cant be cured, must be endured..
Another feature from gamut of my "foolery prowess es" is my inability to write a pre-conceived idea.As so happens, this was going to be not a self-critical but rather a something My-best-novel-scenes or a GRE based write up that I must have recounted about a zillion times in my lib.spontaneity has its own pleasures.
There is one more thing that I would like to confess to myself,here.That I long for readers to this blog.I never thought of that way before I started out but now, it's been a long time and countless efforts (including the failure of orkut updates).Things change for reasons unexplained.A law.Chaos.
List goes on.better to stop than keep scorching till my self-respect gives in.Hell.
PS - why did I even write IT ? answers please..