well, that says all about my current state and is ironically name of a very irritatingly important folder on my ubuntu---- n thats the one that did it all - ubuntu.
pretty name huh - ubuntu.
so what, i am a bit baffled and all crappy and just a little ( not exactly, rather blown out ) mad at myself for IT -->> the ubuntu...
it all happened when i thought of removing my xp and replacing ubuntu....and then its all chaos....na.....cyber chaos.....that sounds techy.
so where was me```cyber techy```ya..now my pc is all dumb````all data gone...everything and thats from where the term 'lost' comes....
but in all this shitty process of loosing my valuable collection of everything..i found something..shockingly that is ubuntu....its simply great...more if your xp installation is more older than sir gates himself or viruses have a 'CTBT' policy signed with your system 32..thats somethin like... virus will attack n hang the system every 32 minute of the login time and xp do all it can to make things look safe to you although back there in its registers ; trojan horse is 'kickning the digital shit' out of your super {secure} windows.
n this ubuntu is simply mind 'BLASTTING'.no viruses..no antiviruses no crap....
simple and yet too good for nearly everything....n its here that we get the term - 'found'....

ironically thers this mysterious folder in ubuntu that goes by this name n untill now i hoped it might have some of my previous data..but it dont..as i know now...so it all adds up to just this -- "lost+found"
all said and done...
moral of the story -- try ubuntu if u are bored and exhausted with xp --- but just keep backup ( i didnt ) and so you dont get to write a post like this...
PS : check out my new photographic venture along with shrawan here -
camera >> sony H-10..shutter speed and size do some really cool stuff together..